The great debate between plant vs animal protein. What should you do ?
www.pexels.comWhat are animal proteins
They are complete proteins with essential amino acids, and are sources of iron, and vitamin B12
The most common source in India is dairy and poultry. Fish and meat are also popular in many parts of the country.
Problem with animal protein:
1. Contain saturated products and higher levels of cholesterol
2. Low fiber
3. In a research it was found that animal protein was associated with higher cardiovascular mortality (heart-related deaths) in people with at least one lifestyle risk factor for eg. smoking (3)
What is plant protein:
Plant proteins are incomplete proteins, except, quinoa and buckwheat (kuttu ka aata), which are a complete protein
Common sources are: nuts / legumes / lentils / soya etc
Benefits of plant protein:
1. Low on calories and high in essential nutrients (phytonutrients)
2. Source of fiber, which helps in reducing cholesterol. It also, makes you feel full for longer.
3. Adds to numbers in life and reduces the numbers in the waist. In a research study, it was found, the substitution of processed meat with plant protein was associated with lower mortality (3).
Why beneficial to women:
Low in fat and carbohydrates helps maintain lean mass and reduce the health risk factors of obesity, especially after menopause. It also boosts immunity due to its rich nutrients. Promotes healthy skin and hair.
What should you do:
Unless you are a vegan you should maintain the right balance. Currently, only 30 % of the protein source which people consume is from plants. We need to increase it to at least 50 to 60 %.
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